31 Jan 2013

Challenge of the Month

     Hard to believe it is the last day of January, but at the same time it feels like New Year's Eve was at least three months ago.
      It's been month of more planning and organizing things, less working with clay. But I would like to highlight one creation and tag it as monthly challenge.
      My task was to create brain badge. From the first look it may seem to be quite easy but actually it took couple days to come up with ideas, create samples and to complete this little project.
Polymer Clay Tie Pin/Badge
     I have to admit that I really enjoyed it. And it was funny and a little bit strange too when I tried to explain people what I am working on.
    This little tie pin measures 3.5 x 2 cm. Probably most hardest part (because of its size) was brain folds and not to leave fingerprints.

     What do you think? First impressions! :)


I would love to hear from you!